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Annual reports

2020 Annual Report, FSD Kenya

It is hard to believe it has been more than a year since the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in Kenya, forcing us to make many unanticipated adjustments about the way we worked.

Most significantly, we had to shift to remote working. One year down the line, I am immensely proud of our team for staying the course so far and maintaining our momentum despite the disruption of COVID-19.

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Building livelihoods

Building livelihoods: Participant journeys and impacts

The building livelihoods programme is a modified financial graduation project that emphasises market-based programme components to increase cost-effectiveness and potential for scale. The aim of the programme is to help those living in extreme poverty build sustainable livelihoods through business to enable them to live above the ‘survival threshold’, whereby households can meet basic food needs without external assistance (Fitzgibbon & Cabot Venton, 2014).

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From financial inclusion to inclusive finance: The power of frameworks to catalyse change

Below, we’ll discuss the power of frameworks in shaping research and providing insights for financial inclusion policy and investment.

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Central Bank of Kenya, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and FSD Kenya host virtual “FinAccess Datafest”

On Thursday 3rd September 2020, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), the Kenya Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD Kenya) hosted a “FinAccess Datafest” webinar, live-streamed to a global audience on YouTube.

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Kenya financial diaries 2012-2013: Socio-economic and demographic datasets

This data pack contains several files (in .csv and .dta formats) with information collected about households and household members participating in the 2012-2013 Kenya Financial Diaries study.

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Annual reports

2019 Annual report

The COVID-19 crisis is creating great uncertainty about what the future holds for the economy and well-being of all.

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Exploring the links between finance, technology and growth in Kenya

Starting with microcredit in the late 1980s, there has been a growing movement of multilateral institutions, private foundations, non-profits, corporations and governments that aims to provide formal financial services to low-income market segments around the world.

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Consumer insights

Focus note: Digital credit in Kenya

Since the launch of M-Shwari in 2012, the number of digital lenders and loans disbursed has grown substantially. Advances in credit scoring, few regulatory barriers and the widespread use of mobile phones and mobile money have enabled growth of the digital lending industry, giving borrowers a quick and convenient option for credit.

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Harnessing the market potential of financially underserved Kenyans

On the 5th of September 2019, the Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya and the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), held a stakeholder validation workshop in Nairobi, where they presented the findings of a research study that identified seven key financially underserved segments of the Kenyan population and discussed the potentially viable business cases and policy implications that financial market players could tap into.

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Welcoming Anzetse Were

Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya is pleased to announce that Anzetse Were has joined the team as Economist, effective September 2019.

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Exploring the economic potential of underserved segments of the Kenyan population

In April 2019, the 2019 FinAccess Household Survey revealed that Kenya had made extraordinary strides in financial inclusion. While FinAccess 2019 shows that financial inclusion has peaked at 83% among Kenyans, its findings also evoke poignant questions.

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Inclusive Finance? Headline findings from FinAccess 2019

Kenya aims to become a middle-income country by 2030, delivering a high quality of life to all. Finance plays a central role in our economy, facilitating trade and underpinning the efficient pooling and allocation of resources and risk.

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Annual reports

2018 Annual report

FSD Kenya’s work is increasingly focused on trying to help harness the on-going disruption of the sector in a way which will create real value for people.

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Consumer insights

The 2019 FinAccess household survey

The 2019 FinAccess household survey is the fifth in a series of surveys that measure drivers and usage of financial services in Kenya. The 2019 report was officially launched on April 3rd 2019.

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Tackling poverty in rural Kenya through community-owned village banks

Why FSAs are the preferred financial service providers in Kitui.

The popularity of graduation programmes as the means to ending extreme poverty is growing globally.

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VIDEO – Through Kenyan eyes: perspectives on the value of financial services

VIDEO – Through Kenyan eyes: perspectives on the value of financial services

FSD Kenya has been working since 2005 to promote financial inclusion in Kenya. Kenya has made huge strides during this time with over 75% of the population having access to a formal account.

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What do Kenyans really want from financial service providers?

Insights into the social value of financial services

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Why disruptive innovation in the financial sector can benefit poor people

Meaningful financial solutions can help poor people manage day to day, deal with risk and invest in the future.

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In Kenya, bank accounts again more popular than m-pesa – why?

Retail banks can still thrive in the face of mobile money, as long as they are prepared to adapt

This blog was originally published by CGAP.

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Financial service providers

Finance and living well

Kenya’s more successful mass market financial solutions have demonstrated the importance of social values by enabling poor Kenyans to manage their money in ways that cultivate their visions of well being.

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Person-to-government (P2G) payment digitisation: Lessons from Kenya

This study was originally published by GSMA on their wesbite.

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News and events

Providing transparent pricing information could save bank customers up to KSh 10,000 a year

Mystery shopper exercises carried out over several weeks in 2015 and 2016 mirrored a typical customer’s journey in which most customers obtain information on banking from branches. But despite visiting over 30 bank branches, customer care representatives, bank websites, enquiring from colleagues and friends, we still couldn’t get consistent pricing information.

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The price of being banked

This report outlines the findings from a two-year study by FSD Kenya to understand the costs for banking services in Kenya. Two rounds of mystery shopping surveys were completed in October and November of 2015 and 2016
to build a database and measure the costs for basic bundles of transactions such as opening, running and closing bank accounts.

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The price of being banked

Kenya has experienced tremendous improvements in access to financial services over the last few years. However, little is known about the trends in affordability of financial services, especially for low-income earners.

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News and events

Mystery shopping exercise reveals need to improve price transparency in banking sector

Do you know how much it costs to run your bank account? It’s no surprise that many of us do not know the cost of banking in Kenya. Pricing information is not easy to find and sometimes even staff at bank branches do not provide accurate information.

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With great opportunity comes great risk: Keeping up with Kenya’s population boom

Africa’s population is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. More than half of global population growth between now and 2050 is expected to occur in Africa and of the additional 2.4 billion people projected to be added to the global population between now and 2050, 1.3 billion will be in Africa.

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Leveraging Kenya’s informal sector for growth

Finance helps economic growth, and in turn, job creation.

Today is the first annual International Day for small and medium sized enterprises.

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