Insurance for All (IFA)

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Insurance for All (IFA)

AfyaPoa: Lessons and insights on delivering health micro-insurance to gig workers and informal entrepreneurs

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an additional two million Kenyans into poverty. Health shocks are particularly devastating for low-income households, most of which lack access to insurance and hardly save towards such eventualities due to a myriad of competing daily priorities.

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Insurance for All (IFA)

Combining HCD Research, Testing, and Pilot Learning for Microinsurance Design

Through its AfyaPoa range of products, Insurance for All (IFA) has been delivering affordable and relevant protection to underserved Kenyans in the informal sector for over two years.  Intending to broaden its reach through new gig economy partnerships and strengthen and improve its products and distribution approaches, IFA, with support from FSD Kenya and research assistance from 17 Triggers, conducted a four-month research and design phase followed by a six-month pilot.

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