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Climate action in Africa: Pathways towards resilient sustainable cities

Africa’s urbanization is increasing and remains largely informal, uncontrolled, and unsupported by the continent’s infrastructure. More people are moving to towns and cities, rapidly creating ‘informal’ settlements with limited access to urban services that people need.

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Kenya household health expenditure and utilization survey (KHHEUS)

The KHHEUS is a national household survey that explores health seeking behavior, the utilization of health services, health spending, and health insurance coverage amongst Kenyan households.

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Weathering the COVID-19 storm: How will Kenyans cope?

The COVID-19 pandemic is testing the resilience of governments, health systems, large companies, small businesses and families worldwide.

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Consumer insights

What we learned from providing unsecured trade credit to small rural pharmacies

The inability of low-income households to access quality healthcare is a major challenge in dealing with unanticipated shocks. The challenge is bigger for rural households. Small rural pharmacies stock almost entirely generic medicines because these are the products that patients can afford. 

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Unlocking opportunities for low income households – Mechanisms of behaviour change

The impact of the recent six-month drought is readily apparent. The earth is dry and cracked and most of the trees and shrubs are barren. Riverbeds are full of dried branches and the livestock that roam the area are but skeletons, with many dead along the road.

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