In Kenya today, a variety of activities are under way to address the economic and financial constraints felt by HIV/AIDS-affected households. Financial service providers and health organisations alike have spearheaded these activities, and are making small inroads in empowering people made more vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. DAI assessed these initiatives for the Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Programme Kenya in July 2008. FSD’s interest is in identifying market-based initiatives that contribute to the prevention of HIV transmission and mitigate its economic impact.
This assessment report catalogues the variety of forward-thinking and emerging best practice interventions being implemented by financial service providers (including banks, MFIs, savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs), payment companies, facilitators, network organisations, and insurance companies), health organisations, and donor and government social safety net programmes. The assessment also captures innovations taking place internationally and regionally that could inform and enhance future opportunities to support the AIDS-affected in Kenya. Finally, from the assessment and, in particular, from discussions with 69 individuals that are part of organisations working in Kenya, we have identified a set of opportunities in which investment could be made to meet the financing constraints of AIDS affected households.
Green, C. (2009). The role of financial services in the economic empowerment of AIDS-affected households: A review of practice and options in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: FSD Kenya.
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