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Gendered analyses of Kenya’s health sector and health finance market

November 9th, 2022

FSD Kenya’s 2022-2026 strategy places gender at the centre of our work.

In 2022, FSD Kenya with support from Dalberg Advisors carried out gendered analyses of Kenya’s health sector and health finance market to deepen our understanding of the health needs that women and households face and how these are financed.

The findings from these analyses formed the basis of the design of our current health finance project whose aim is to “Facilitate and advocate for value adding finance that enables improved health and financial resilience to health shocks for women and households”. 


Gendered analysis of Kenya’s health sector 


Gendered analysis of Kenya’s health finance market


These publications were co-authored with:

  1. Naoko Koyama – Partner, Dalberg Advisors.
  2. Fauzia Matyas-Jamal – Associate partner, Dalberg Advisors.
  3. Charlie Habershon – Associate partner, Dalberg Advisors.
  4. Maureen Gitata – Senior project manager, Dalberg Advisors.
  5. Gladys Rwambali – Consultant, Dalberg Advisors.
  6. Phoebe Kiburi – Analyst, Dalberg Advisors.



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