
Graduation Resilience study findings for phase 1 and 2

June 9th, 2021

FSD Kenya implemented a four-year pilot graduation project targeting beneficiaries of the Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) in Laisamis Sub County (Laisamis, Gudas, Logologo, Korr, Merille, Irrir), which provides a bi-monthly cash transfer of Ksh 5,400 (about US$ 54).

The objective of the Building livelihoods programme was to test adaptable, market-responsive approaches to building the livelihoods of very poor households. The programme builds on the HSNP with savings groups, training in life skills and basic financial and business skills, individual loans from Equity Bank, and linkages to various market actors to increase access to information, provide better terms for group buying, and augment business opportunities.

The programme has seen considerable success thus far with many beneficiaries starting new businesses, increasing savings and assets, and becoming marketable clients of financial institutions. However, the COVID 19 pandemic threatens to undermine these gains, stalling market activity and throwing households back into their previous reliance on traditional pastoralist practices, government safety nets, and NGO food relief initiatives.

In 2020, FSD Kenya undertook a two-phase research to understand the extent to which the resources built up through the Building Livelihoods programme are supporting the resilience of beneficiary households, and how these compare and interact with traditional pastoralist practices.

These presentations outline the findings from the qualitative resilience study, which complements an impact study based on the Individual Household Economy Analysis (IHEA) methodology.

View slide deck of the findings – phase I & II



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