Consumer insights

The search for inclusion in Kenya’s financial landscape: The rift revealed summary report

March 1st, 2012

Does the rapid adoption of mobile phone based money transfer services (MMT) suggest a tectonic shift in Kenya’s financial landscape and the greater potential for formal sector inclusion – especially in savings or transactions accounts? This report examines the use of MMT within the context of informal and formal financial service use. The study investigated both the supply and demand sides of the market and uses both quantiative surveys and qualitative interviews. It was designed to delve into financial service provision and use below the aggregate findings of the national level FinAccess surveys in order to illuminate the dynamics of financial inclusion for low-income groups and hence offer insights for policy and practice. This summary report is based on the main report available here.


Johnson, S., Brown, G. K., & Fouillet, C. (2012). The search for inclusion in Kenya’s financial landscape: The rift revealed summary report. Nairobi, Kenya: FSD Kenya.




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