In September 2011, FSD Kenya conducted a short study of savings groups created under the Community Savings and Loans (COSALO I) project, funded by FSD and implemented by CARE International in Kenya. 54 groups were representatively selected from about 2,500 groups created in Nyamira and Rachuonyo regions by franchisees and faith-based organizations. The purpose of the study was to identify whether these groups have replicated after the project ended in July 2010. This study did not review the level of savings or return on savings as most replicated groups had not yet completed their first cycle.
In a first phase of the study, group members were asked whether they were members of, or knew of, additional groups not trained by CARE. The research team briefly interviewed some members of these additional groups to confirm their existence and get some basic information about their functioning. In the second phase, there were intensive interviews with several groups, CBTs, a franchisee, an FBO representative and CARE staff to understand more deeply the motivation and mechanisms for creating new groups.
Digital Divide Data (DDD). (2011). Results of Study of Post-Project Replication of Groups in COSALO I. Nairobi, Kenya: FSD Kenya.
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