The Decentralised Financial Services (DFS) project began in 2003 as an action research project to improve outreach of financial services in remote and rural areas. The first phase focused on developing and testing the tools to strengthen the management and governance of community-based financial organisations. The second phase which started in 2005, sought to demonstrate the impact of the tools in broadening and deepening outreach of financial services in rural areas. Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD) contracted independent reviewers to i) assess the performance of the second phase of DFS, ii) identify key achievements and lessons learned, and iii) make recommendations for future contributions to financial sector development for the poor in Kenya. Reviewers were asked to recommend whether or not DFS should continue to a third phase.
Wambugu, A., & Lee, N. (2008). Developing decentralised financial services: Project review. Nairobi, Kenya: FSD Kenya.
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