In this, our 2012 annual report to stakeholders, we give an overview of our perspective of market developments and summarise the various activities in which we’ve been involved over the year. FSD Kenya is a publicly funded programme established to benefit the poor in Kenya. It is vital that we are fully accountable for what we do.
Our aim is to increase the use of a broad range of quality financial services provided by a stable and competitive financial industry in a way which benefits the livelihoods of poor Kenyans. In taking this approach we eschew ‘quick fixes’ but try to find ways to support the evolution of market solutions to the needs of lower-income Kenyans and under-served growth businesses. Our ambition is to help bring about large scale and sustainable change. In short we want to make financial markets work for the poor. This means working at a variety of levels, from backing retail innovations, through helping to build the system-wide infrastructure for the financial service industry, to support for the development of a wider enabling market environment in terms of policy and regulation.
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