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Private sector priorities for climate action through climate finance

August 21st, 2023

FSD Kenya partnered with the National Treasury and Economic Planning for a Virtual Climate Finance forum organised by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) ahead of the inaugural Africa Climate Summit.

Climate Finance is one of the key focus areas of the summit with the objective being to create a new financial mechanism and expand the private sector’s role and contribution in financing climate change interventions. During the Virtual Climate Finance Forum, FSD Kenya provided content on how the private sector can further refine its priorities at the Africa Climate Summit and beyond.

FSD Kenya also provided strategic and technical advisory on how private sector can position itself regarding climate finance; ideas on how to develop a pipeline of bankable climate projects; how the private sector can build capabilities and skills to better leverage climate investment opportunities; and key policy levers required to foster private sector climate investment engagement and activity.

Read ‘Private sector priorities for climate finance – Ideas for discussion in the lead up to the Africa Climate Summit’ shared at the forum. 



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