The Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning has published a draft National Rating Bill 2021 to allow for stakeholder engagement. The Bill seeks to repeal the current Valuation for Rating Act of 1956 (Cap 266) and the Rating Act of 1963 (Cap 267) and seeks to modernize the rating laws to conform them to Article 209 (3) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 which empowers county governments to impose property taxes.
The proposed law is geared toward achieving harmony and equity in levying of property rates among county governments and empowers county government to enact county-specific legislation as guided by the national law.
This draft Bill is a work in progress and is a result of efforts by the Government to improve county governments’ own-source revenue, in line with the recommendations of the Policy to Support Enhancement of County Governments’ Own-Source Revenue approved by Cabinet in August 2018.
FSD Kenya presented comments to the draft Bill for consideration which we republish below:
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