March 31st, 2017
Creating value through financial inclusion: the trust element
Mutua Mulanga
In an effort to understand the real needs of the people, our seventh ‘Field Friday’ exercise took us to Karagita in Naivasha. We set out to gather insights on which financial services people use and which ones they trust most.
January 25th, 2017
Studying shocks to identify opportunities for financial service providers
Mutua Mulanga
Diversification of risk, not putting your eggs in one basket, hustling – whichever word or phrase you use, Robert, a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) rider, embodies this spirit.
November 23rd, 2016
The tea bonus: a blessing or a growing dependency? Tea farmers from Embu tell their story
Mutua Mulanga
This year, the price of a kilo of tea reached a five-year high. Every October, tea farmers in Kenya receive a “tea bonus”; the second lump sum payment for tea delivered to the Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA) during the year. The first lump sum, the “mini bonus”, is paid each April.
October 28th, 2016
Informal vs formal: The need for financial services to complement, not compete
Nancy Atello
Our third “Field Friday” exercise reveals lessons for formal financial service providers to learn from informal services.
September 20th, 2016
Transparency in finance: Is it a matter of life and death?
Duncan Oyaro
Financial institutions play a key role in enhancing trust in the financial system
September 2nd, 2016
Interest rates cap: views from Kawangware
Mutua Mulanga
Why residents of Kawangware welcome the interest rate cap
August 10th, 2015
M-SHWARI vs KCB M-PESA: convergence or divergence?
Nambuwani Wasike