Dinah Bennett, OBE has enabled people and organisations all over the world to attain enhanced insights into enterprise and entrepreneurship for almost thirty years. Through an award-winning combination of consultancy, project design and delivery, grounded in academic research and practical experience, Dinah has persistently pushed the boundaries of current thinking in entrepreneurship. Her work has exposed vast opportunities for the improved empowerment and development of economies, communities and society through enterprise, at a global, local, institutional and even a personal level. For more than 20 years ICE and Associates have worked extensively with the banking community in the UK, Australia, Sub-saharan Africa, and China driven by four fundamental aims: - to raise awareness of the importance of the SME sector to the development of the economy, and therefore increase the propensity of the financial services sector to turn its attention to it; - to deepen understanding of entrepreneurship and the process of development within the independent business to aid recognition of the need for finance, as well as recognising the support required to ensure it adds to the sustainability of an enterprise; - to enhance the competence and ability of bankers to work effectively with small businesses; and - to provide insights into the way banks can differentiate themselves from competitors in an important and increasingly crowded marketplace.
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